Facility Hawk

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FacilityHawk Platform

FacilityHawk is your Single Source of Truth (SSoT) information management system and central command center for all your facility maintenance, build outs and renovation processes and workflows across your real estate portfolio. Managing your workload from your inbox has been replaced with powerful communications and automated tools


Every communication, every action, every location, every stakeholder, every asset, every project, every work order, every PO and every expense, organized and displayed to the relevant user on one intuitive powerful platform. Powered by AI and intuitive algorithms the collected data is presented to meet the requirements of the users.


FacilityHawk users are empowered to make focused organizational driven decisions using centralized real time data. Your standard procedures baked into proprietary algorithms contribute to reducing organizational management cost, quicker resolution and implementation times and overall improved quality.


Growing your brand is paramount to your success. FacilityHawk scales alongside you. When you add locations, products and/or services, FacilityHawk accommodates your expansion with all your business rules and roles in place seamlessly. Efficiencies are compounded as you grow as FacilityHawk lowers the management burden.

Effortless Efficiency

Supercharged Workflows

Work Order Management
Create on demand work orders with an automated customizable approval scheme for break/fix or emergencies. Your teams, location staff, and providers are all informed in real time of the progress of each work order from inception to contractor payment. At each step FacilityHawk keeps the entire team informed. All sourcing, dispatching, site, work scope reporting, invoicing and payments are conveniently centralized in the FacilityHawk application.
Project Management

Manage all your projects from inception to completion.  Keep track of all aspects of your projects on FacilityHawk. From permitting, tendering, contract type and management of the contract, sourcing of contractors and suppliers, budgeting and cost control, scheduling all from one convenient platform.

Asset Management
Manage all your critical assets in one place. Create and manage preventative maintenance programs to maximize all your assets’ uptime and extend service life. Create lifecycle models for all your assets and use FacilityHawk to budget and schedule all major capital expenditures. Use FacilityHawks sensor technology to monitor critical assets in real time. Automated preventative maintenance programs maximizes your company’s resources and creates efficiencies which drive lower operating costs saving you money.


Simplified Management

FacilityHawk automatically assigns your preferred vendor or best suited, closest to site vendor with the highest performance rating, safest work histories and highest ESG scores ensuring you receive the right vendor each and every time. Automated supply chain delivers all the parts and supplies where you want when you free your resources to focus it on your business.
FacilityHawk’s single source of truth data delivered on a prioritized actionable platform ensures the user is clear on the next high value action that is required to be taken.
FacilityHawk gives you real-time insight into your mandated obligations relevant to your facility and facility related assets, as required by the landlord, or the authorities within the jurisdictions of your operations. Automated organizational compliance with government regulations, insurance requirements, lease agreements ensures efficiencies are realized and resource spend is optimized. FacilityHawk transforms your organization from a reactionary, over-stressed time challenged management team to proactive optimized and resourceful force.


FacilityHawk automatically assigns your preferred vendor or best suited, closest to site vendor with the highest performance rating, safest work histories and highest ESG scores ensuring you receive the right vendor each and every time. Automated supply chain delivers all the parts and supplies where you want when you free your resources to focus it on your business.


FacilityHawk’s single source of truth data delivered on a prioritized actionable platform ensures the user is clear on the next high value action that is required to be taken.


FacilityHawk gives you real-time insight into your mandated obligations relevant to your facility and facility related assets, as required by the landlord, or the authorities within the jurisdictions of your operations. Automated organizational compliance with government regulations, insurance requirements, lease agreements ensures efficiencies are realized and resource spend is optimized. FacilityHawk transforms your organization from a reactionary, over-stressed time challenged management team to proactive optimized and resourceful force.