Facility Hawk


FacilityHawk Plus

FacilityHawk easily integrates with powerful applications, sensors, platforms, people and data for greater productivity and innovation.


Integration is the future of your business. Connect sensors, applications and collecting data which can be used in creative ways to customize behaviours to manage facilities and sharpen the competitive edge of your business.


Unlock the Power of Teamwork and build a cohesive mission critical network focused on the success of your operation. Choose your team members at every location and use FacilityHawk roles based structure to receive predictable organization wide results.


Deliver a digital transformation at speed and scale. Unleash the power of AI and analytics with intelligent experiences, automation, and optimization built right into the FacilityHawk Platform.


Precise Integration for Tailored Excellence

FacilityHawk seamlessly integrates proven and transformative technologies into the robust platform, providing the options to meet any customer needs.

Performance Analytics for Facility Service and Facility Management that put the Focus on your Brand

The Facility Service and Facility Management industry is quickly becoming the forefront of Proptech transformation. Organizations have always relied on spreadsheets and email services for conducting day to-day operations. FacilityHawk rises up to the challenge to create, adjust, and deliver rapid and accurate Facility services. Transparent, real-time visibility into service performance enables Facility Managers to proactively solve problems and accelerate the business forward.

The FacilityHawk Performance Analytics

The FacilityHawk Performance Analytics for Facility Service and Facility Management is an easy-to-use, integrated application designed for reporting and analyzing facility service performance and quality in the FacilityHawk enterprise cloud. It comes with predefined, best practice KPIs and out-of-the-box dashboards for monitoring facility service management processes. The responsive, interactive dashboards provide access to real-time trends with the flexibility to drill into performance results and answer questions on the spot. Embedded and contextual analytics empower everyone to make better decisions, and a unique visualization library delivers end-to-end transparency within each process. Performance Analytics helps businesses increase facility service satisfaction and reduce operating costs. Management can use data analytics to determine opportunities for self-service and automation, improve facility services, and gain deep insights to drive more efficient service delivery.

The FacilityHawk Measured Performance

KPIs are quantifiable values that enable companies to measure how effectively they are progressing toward key business objectives. In facility service management, KPIs might include metrics such as the percent of open or overdue work orders, average work order resolution time, or the number of closed work orders. Performance Analytics for Facility Service Management provides focused KPIs based on best practices and our service industry experience — and dashboards ready to help visualize the results. Organizational objectives and baked in best practice metrics are automatically tracked in FacilityHawk. FacilityHawk measured performance is used to predict progress of workflows of a work order toward defined targets.

The FacilityHawk Dashboards

Responsive, Interactive role based Dashboards provide a graphical view of performance trends and real-time results, allowing users to make quick, informed decisions at a glance. FacilityHawk analytics delivers flexible and interactive dashboards for clear performance visualization and easy customization to your companies requirements. From a dashboard, each role and record owner can access real time analytics, drill into breakdowns, and directly access the underlying operational records. Interactive analysis and filters guide users towards meaningful patterns and trends. Role based Dashboards can be shared within your organization and can be shared with external resources and stakeholders, ensuring there is a single version of truth driving operational improvement.